On-site car park requirements

Find out if you need to provide on-site car parks for your development.

How car parks work

  • An "on-site car park" is a car park that sits within the legal boundary of the property.
  • Car park dimensions should be at least 2.4 metres wide and 5.4 metres long, with a minimum of 300mm clearance on both sides for a car door to open.
  • If you're planning to build a garage, the inside must be at least 3 metres wide and the doorway at least 2.4 metres wide.

How many car parks do I need to provide?

There is no requirement to provide a minimum number of on-site carparks for any activity or development in Wellington.

However, the effects of car parking are considered by Council when assessing a resource consent application for any commercial or multi-unit residential development where the District Plan or Resource Management Act requires it.

You'll need a resource consent if you plan to provide more than 70 on-site car parks in commercial or mixed-use zones where a maximum car parking rule applies.

Where an on-site loading area is required in commercial or mixed-use zones, there will need to be space for service vehicles to manoeuvre and to park, for example, to collect rubbish or unload deliveries.

Where provided, car parks need to comply with the car parking dimensions listed above.

When you will need a resource consent

You'll need to apply for a resource consent if:

  • any car park is smaller than 2.4 metres wide by 5.4 metres long
  • you plan to build a car pad, car deck or garage on the road reserve
  • you plan to provide more than 70 on-site car parks in a commercial area
  • you can't meet the servicing requirements for your commercial property
  • you can’t meet the driveway and site access requirements.

Applying for a resource consent

Using Council land

If you plan to build a car pad, car deck or garage on the road berm or other area of Council road land next to your site instead of within the boundary, you will also need an encroachment licence.

Car parks on road reserve must be at least 3m wide and 6m long.

Use road reserve for private purposes

Meet with us before you apply

We recommend you meet with us before you apply for your resource consent to discuss your plans and get some advice.

Resource consent pre-application meetings

Contact us

The Resource Consents team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Phone: 04 801 3590

Email: planning@wcc.govt.nz

For transport enquiries, the Transport team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Email: transportenquiries@wcc.govt.nz