News | 12 June 2019
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Karori's old St John's site

Wellington City Council is seeking proposals for the development of the site on the corner of Campbell Street and Karori Road – which include the site of St John’s church.

Aerial view of St John's site cleared of buildings and surrounding roads.

The request for proposals (RFP) was released today on the Wellington Council website and listed on Trade Me. All submissions to the RFP will be assessed in the first instance followed by a second submissions process for a more comprehensive business case.

The local ward councillors - Andy Foster, Simon Woolf and Diane Calvert are pleased that Council is in a position to seek options for development of this key site in Karori’s main town centre.

Cr Calvert, Community Planning and Engagement leader, says “any proposal should contribute to the vibrancy, attractiveness and economic vitality of the Karori Town Centre. This is why we have taken our time to ensure that we were clear on what the community wanted to see and how best it could fit into the local town centre.

The Council sees the development of the site as having potential to provide additional residential accommodation on upper floors subject to being commercially viable. We know that there is high demand for independent living smaller units especially so close to public transport, shopping and community facilities. Conditions of the sale will ensure the right kind of mix is available as part of the amenities available in the town centre,” added Cr Calvert.

Local Councillor Cr Woolf says, “We are looking for high quality development that adds to the character and hope to see best practice in green building to reduce or remove negative impact on the environment and people. Green buildings make more efficient use of resources such as energy and water, and provide healthier environments for people to live and work in.

It’s important that any development in this central location adds to the town centre’s economic vibrancy. We’ll be looking for development that not only provides a mixture of uses but offers attractive and active public space that supports the daytime economy,” he added.

In the last two years Council has purchased the old house at 6 Campbell Street, cleared both sites, and rezoned 6 Campbell St so that the whole site is zoned ‘Centre’. Centre zoned land is in short supply in Karori so this really is a unique opportunity for both the Karori community and for prospective developer-owners. We want to make sure we achieve a proposal that really adds significantly to the vibrancy and attractiveness of our main town centre,” says Karori Plan leader Cr Foster.

The District Plan zoning allows for a combination of mixed-uses, up to 12 metres (four storeys) in height. The ground floor is required to be non-residential and provide active edges onto both streets and verandahs for shelter. Development ideas should include retail, hospitality and/or professional services and some combination of residential and commercial or community on the upper floors.

Given the prominence of the site at the entrance to the Karori Town Centre, and to reinforce the sense of arrival, Council also wants to ensure a high quality of design. In addition, we want a good relationship to the pedestrian laneway on its western side,” says Cr Foster.

Interested parties have until 3 July 2019 to respond to the RFP.  Should no satisfactory proposals be received, Council will reconsider its options.

For full details visit: St John's site redevelopment project