Road Stopping - 13 Glover Street

Status Closed
Start date 29 October 2013
Closed date 9 December 2013
Location Adjoining 13 Glover Street, Ngauranga, Wellington.
Area 611m2

What happened to this public notice?

The proposal was to stop a 611 m² area of unformed legal road in Glover Street, Ngauranga next to 13 Glover Street.

If the proposal is successful, two titles would be issued - one for a 603 m² area which would be marketed for sale as a stand alone lot, and another title for a 8 m² area which would be retained by the Council.

Public Notice (19KB PDF)Text version (29KB RTF) 
Report to Regulatory Processes Committee - 15.05.13 (232KB PDF)
Area Survey Plan (318KB PDF)