Collection & Transportation of Waste Bylaw

Status Closed
Start date 24 June 2014
Closed date 15 August 2014
Number of submissions 1

What happened to this consultation?

Wellington City Council sought your views on the proposal to reinstate the lapsed Collection and Transportation of Waste Bylaw.

To check out the proposal that was consulted on, see:
Summary Document (528KB PDF)

Background information

This bylaw regulates the collection, transport and disposal of mixed liquid waste. The Council has reviewed the bylaw and plans to reinstate it in its current form.

What the bylaw covers

  • The bylaw regulates the collection, transport and disposal of a range of mixed liquid waste by private tanker companies (there are currently four companies licensed to do this work). The waste includes:
    • dirty water from grease traps
    • commercial car washes
    • septic tanks (from businesses and some households).
  • None of this waste enters the Council’s wastewater system and is disposed of at the Transpacific waste treatment plant in Petone.
  • The bylaw requires companies to:
    • hold a licence to collect, transport or discharge this type of waste within the Wellington district (charged at $185 annually)
    • keep records of all waste collected, transported and disposed of for three years (the Council can ask to see these records). This also covers other waste collected in the Wellington district but disposed of elsewhere.