Annual Plan 2020/21

Status Closed
Start date 8 May 2020
Closed date 8 June 2020
Number of submissions 306

Our overall aim of this Annual Plan is to be balanced and pragmatic to allow the city to recover well and fast.

In our view, that means providing support now for those that need it most, stopping the majority of planned fee increases, and increasing our borrowing to offset the revenue loss that we are forecasting. It also means finding efficiencies and savings to reduce our costs where possible.

In our view, it does not mean service level reductions, borrowing for daily operating costs, or revisiting our capital programme. This would reduce overall quality of life in our city, mean future rates rises would be too high and slow recovery efforts, and we would lose the important economic stimulus that an ambitious capital programme provides.

Rates in 2020/21

In 2018 we agreed Our 10-year Plan that included a ten-year budget. It signalled a 7.1 percent increase in rates for the coming year. That related to a lower cost base as it excluded funding for Let’s Get Wellington Moving, work on Te Ngākau Civic Square, and the temporary central city libraries, and additional funding for the three waters network.

Earlier in March, the forecast rates position for the year was 9.2%. A lot of work has been done to reduce the rates position from there, and now there are two options we want your feedback on. Our preferred option is 5.1%, but we are also seeking feedback on the option of a 2.3% increase.

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