Alcohol Fees Bylaw

Status Closed
Start date 1 May 2019
Closed date 31 May 2019
Number of submissions 64

What happened to this consultation?

Proposed changes

We asked for your feedback on our proposed increase to the fees we collect from licencing services under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

In 2017/18 the Alcohol Licencing service fees recovered by the Council covered 68 percent of the licensing cost with the additional 32 percent being made up from rates.

The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 allows the Council to collect fees to recover the total costs for its alcohol licencing functions.

Without an increase in 2019/20 we expect that fees will only cover approximately 60 percent of our costs with the balance paid by rates. 

The Council is proposing to increase the level of the fees to recover 85 percent of the costs incurred by the Council to administer alcohol licencing. Any remaining costs will continue to be subsidised by rates.

This increase is planned to be made over a 2-year period. 

This proposed bylaw only contains an increase in fees to achieve approximately 71 percent cost recovery and a subsequent fee increase to achieve the full 85 percent cost recovery will be subject of further consultation.

Proposal documents

Next steps

  • June 2019: The Council decides whether to adopt the proposed changes.
  • 1 July 2019: If adopted, amendments to the Bylaw come into effect.

More information

Jim Lewis 
Policy Advisor
Phone: 04 499 4444