Make the Traffic Signals at Corner of Rongotai and Bay Roads safer

Petition details

The Traffic Signals at corner of Rongotai and Bay Road in Kilbirnie need to be made safer for motorists and pedestrians. East/West traffic along Rongotai Rd is well catered for because of longer traffic light phasing. But North/South traffic out of Bay Rd is a lot shorter. Many vehicles run the orange/red light from Bay Rd.

Submitted by Phil Drummond
Date declined 2 February 2010
Status Declined

Background information

The East/West traffic along Rongotai Rd is OK due to the longer phase of the lights. But Nth/Sth phase from Bay Rd is a lot shorter. As a result many vehicles run the light from Bay Road. When the traffic light goes red, the pedestrian signal changes to green. Pedestrians walk towards impatient drivers. There either needs to be: a) a Red light camera to deter intersection runners, b) a longer pause between traffic red light & ped green to allow traffic to clear, or c) combination of a) & b)



What happened to this petition?

This petition was declined for the following reason:

Petition was withdrawn by the petitioner after consultation with Wellington City Council officers.