Smart cat collars

These collars make your cat more visible to native birds and in low light.

A ginger cat sitting in a vegetable garden, with a cat collar on.

We encourage the use of Smart Cat Collars as a part of responsible cat ownership.

With help from The Newland's Community House, we have created Smart Cat Collars. These collars are designed with brightly coloured red, orange, green, yellow, and blue spots which make cats highly visible to New Zealand Native birds. The collars are also rimmed with a reflective strip to make cats easier to spot at low light.

These Smart Cat Collars loop over a cat’s regular collar, as to not obstruct the safety-release.

Buy a Smart Cat Collar

Buy a Smart Cat collar online

See colour options below.

Collars cost $17 each and $3 shipping.

You need to supply your own regular cat collar which loops through the Smart Cat Collar.

Being a responsible cat owner

The Smart Cat Collars are just one way to be a responsible cat owner in Pōneke.

Wellington City Council supports desexing cats before they reach puberty and can reproduce. Kittens can be desexed from 1kg of weight. You can find more information on the SPCA website.

All domestic cats over the age of 12 weeks in Wellington must be microchipped and registered with NZCAR. Find out more on our microchipping your cat page.

More information
