Draft Annual Plan 2017/18

Status Closed
Start date 18 April 2017
Closed date 19 May 2017
Number of submissions 120

What happened to this consultation?

We sought your feedback on our plan for the capital's future.

We're in good shape financially and able to limit next year’s rates rise to 3.3%, However, we've experienced economic and population growth, which have brought fresh challenges. These include housing affordability and transport, as well as resilience following last November’s earthquake.

The final plans


We received 120 submissions from a range of organisations and individuals on our annual plan and triennium plan initiatives.

Full set of submissions (23MB PDF)


The Annual Plan / Long-term Plan Committee deliberated on the submissions at their meeting on 15 June 2017.

Proposal documents

The proposal information is available on these web pages:

Or as a download document: Draft Annual Plan 2017/18 'Building a Better City' summary (896KB PDF)

Supporting Documents (1.4MB PDF)

Mayor and Councillors' draft Triennium Plan (949KB PDF)

Next steps

Key dates

  • Adoption of the Annual Plan 28 June

Looking  ahead – Long-term Plan 2018–28 

We have also started work on our next long-term plan (LTP), which councils are required to publish every 3 years. Our LTP sets our direction, budgets and work plans for the next 10 years. As such, it’s our most important budgeting and planning project, and it will need your input.

We will be talking with mana whenua, community groups, residents’ associations, businesses and other local organisations over the coming months to understand what projects they want delivered in the next few years.

These conversations will help guide the development of the Long-term Plan 2018–28.

More information

Lloyd Jowsey
Team Leader Planning and Reporting

Phone 04 499 4444